Accessorizer 2.0 | Mac OS X | 5.2 MB
Accessorizer is the Cocoa developer's number one tool for generating Objective-C, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Accessorizer is Xcode’s No.1 companion for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch! Accessorizer is a powerful and flexible code generator to significantly cut down your development time. Accessorizer removes the tedium of writing @property and @synthesize statements, providing a wide range of coding styles while helping you avoid common mistakes.
Accessorizer will generate explicit accessors and also help provide you with the init, keypath, keyed-archiving, indexed accessors, accessors for unordered collections such as NSSet, copyWithZone, KVO, key-validation, singleton overrides, dealloc, setNilForKey, non-standard attribute persistence (Core Data), locking, headerdoc, convert method to selector, NSUndoManager methods and more including IBOutlet Detection, setting your UIKit views to nil in -viewDidUnload {…}, sorting your ivar declarations, property and synthesize statements, -dealloc {…} and -viewDidUnload {…} methods. Accessorizer also provides a caching mechanism for the custom table when working with properties.
What's new
Version 2.0
•Added @property statement formatting panel for finer control over output string.
•Added a new Configuration Sets panel allowing you to save, load, export/import the group
of over 150 settings with the click of a button.
This allows you to use consistent settings depending on a project, and can help provide
consistent coding standards across a team.
The interface allows you to launch with a designated default configuration and other options.
Filename extension for configuration files is: .azcf (for "Accessorizer configuration file").
If you import a configuration that has the same name as an existing configuration,
Accessorizer will append ** NEW ** to the imported config's name.
• Added a new Custom Pragma Marks panel.
•When using @dynamic and overriding accessors, Accessorizer is smart about classes conforming to NSCopying and NSMutableCopying and will select explicit accessors appropriately.
•Added a NONE option for Argument Prefix. Mind you, if you choose this option, you'll need to either prefix or postfix your ivars, otherwise, you will get compile errors.
•Added switch to toggle omitting assign for scalars.
•Changed init method generation to reflect Apple's new recommendation
self = [super init];
if (self) {...}
•Added new header style (+----------+---------+)
•Added switch to turn off rich text in ivars pane.
•Added more detectable UIViews for IBOutlet detection.
•Changed init methods and keyed archiving to reflect Apple’s new changes in coding standards.
•Fixed IBOutlet detection for NSView and its subclasses.
•Removed the "atomic" keyword option from the atomicity matrix, default and custom tables.
•New option to nil ivar out in dealloc on newline instead of on same line as [ivar release];
•Registering for NSUndoManager now overrides @synthesize for properties and generates a setter with undo manager support.
•Indexed accessor method declarations are now in same order as their implementation methods.
• More tooltips for more controls.
System requirements:
Mac Platform: UB
OS version: 10.4
Link for more information:
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